Dear Moms: You’re boring.


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I was inspired to write this post because as of late I have come across a few experiences (some friends’, some my own) that have really irritated me.  I’m just gonna put it out there.

Moms of my generation:  You’re boring me to tears.  I will explain.

A friend of mine was at her daughter’s gymnastics class when her senses were assaulted with another mom talking about her cold she was suffering from in graphic detail. LOUD details.  This woman wasn’t even speaking to my friend, she was conversing with another poor soul – across the room – about mucus color, consistency, amount…she went on and on and on.  I know you are probably thinking, “Gross, but there are always rude and inconsiderate people in this world.”  We’ve all seen ’em…the type who think that EVERYTHING they have to say is just riveting to everybody else. Well, yes.  There certainly are those types of people.  And they seem to be multiplying.  Thus, the birth of the “overshare.”

Which leads me to a theory:  Social media has created a generation of people who are completely self-absorbed, over-sharing, crashing bores.  For instance, how many bathroom selfies have you seen come up on your newsfeed today?  How many tweets have you read about what someone is eating for lunch?  And haven’t we all seen enough, “Hi, I’m waiting at a traffic light, so I’m just gonna snap a quick pic of myself” ridiculousness?  When did this become okay, people???

This is forgivable if you are in high school.  Pretty much everyone is a self-absorbed bag of awkward at that age, thinking the world revolves around you (remember Bella from Twilight?), but lately, I’ve seen lots and lots of 20-30 something year old moms doing this.  Here’s a hint moms:  Nobody wants to see you posing in your bathroom (with the empty toilet paper roll in the background and your gross looking threadbare towel hanging haphazardly on the towel bar) like you’re 15.  The truth is, your kids are probably beating on the door, hands reaching under while crying.  And if they’re not, then you really need to worry because they’re probably getting into something they shouldn’t be (in which case you have no business wasting time taking selfies).  Instead, wash that towel and replace the empty TP roll.

Bathroom selfies, albeit annoying, aren’t my main gripe here, however.  My biggest complaint would be the lack of interesting conversation when I am hanging out with my “Mom-friends.”  If I have to listen to one more detail about your kid’s poop – size, consistency, shape, color…my head is going to explode into a mushroom cloud of boredom and tears.  As a rule, I don’t want to hear about any of these things in great detail:  Poop, pee, vomit, illnesses and doctor’s visits, food allergies, your work out, and ANYTHING that has to do with your menstrual cycle.  BOoOoooOoorinnnngggggg! (and gross, too.)

I understand that being a SAHM (like myself) can get mundane, but that’s why I suggest getting a hobby outside of your kids.  Pick up a book once in a while, for Pete’s sake!  Don’t you want to be an interesting person to talk to?  How about this:  Instead of updating your FB status/tweeting about how many reps you did at the gym, why not do something worthwhile?  Read a chapter in a book, improve your skills, create something, call a friend instead of texting her, or better yet, invite that fellow SAHM over for coffee and vow at the beginning of the visit that you going to talk about something other than your kids.

Learn to be a really great listener.  Be a blessing to others.  Sometimes I think we get so caught up in our own little digital world that we forget that there are REAL people who may need our wisdom, or even better – REAL older moms (who’s kids are older or grown) who might be able to give US some wisdom!  These moms raised their kids without all the digital media we have now, and lots of them are very interesting ladies.  Glean some insight from them – you just might learn something if you shut your yapper  about yourself for two seconds!

All I’m saying is this:  We have become the most self-absorbed, self-involved, self-picture-taking, uninteresting generation.  I hope I can be different.  I hope I can teach my kids to be different.  I hope to teach them manners, tact, and when it’s time to just shut up.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 & 7 “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:…a time to be silent and a time to speak,”

My husband is not my soul mate.

This is what I have been telling my Christian friends for years…I’m so glad there are people who get it! Stop over-spiritualizing things and just “do life” together. Trust God and make the decision to love your spouse each day. It’s not complicated, but it’s not easy.

The Art in Life

It might seem odd that on this, our one-year anniversary, I am beginning a post with the declaration that my husband is not my soul mate. But he isn’t.WegmannWedding161

I wouldn’t want to imagine life without James. I enjoy being with him more than anyone else in this world. I love him more than I ever thought you could love someone, and I miss him whenever I am not with him. I wouldn’t want to married to anyone else other than James, which is good, because I plan on being married to him forever, and he has to let me die first.

But I reject the entire premise of soul mates.

WegmannWedding294Do you remember those awesome Evangelical 90’s/ early 2000’s where Jesus was kind of like our boyfriend and we all kissed dating good-bye because we just knew that God was going to bring us THE ONE and then life…

View original post 1,231 more words


Spider! A public service announcement on how to not die.


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Spider! A public service announcement on how to not die.

Much to my annoyance (as a mom) and fascination (as a scientist), we have Brown Widows.

In case you haven’t heard, there is yet another species of this deadly spider…the prettier, meaner sister. She is shaped just like the Black Widow (Latrodectus mactans) but the Brown Widow (Latrodectus geometricus) has a pretty, brown tortoise-shell coloring on her body with an orange hour glass on her abdomen instead of the bright red.

One big clue you have these without having to come across mama spider herself is the appearance of her egg sacs. They are spiked, like a mine.

We found several of these out by my kids’ playset yesterday. When the pest control guy came today, he also found a black widow hiding under the playset guarding an egg sac of her own.

So remember folks, spikey egg sacs = Brown Widows.

You are welcome.



Hey, Friends! Thanks for stopping by!

First, I would like to just let you know what I will be writing about.

My diet and fitness journey.  I struggle constantly with my weight.  I have good weeks and bad weeks.  Well, I am starting this blog to help keep me accountable to my daily exercise routine and my progress in becoming as fit and healthy as I can.  I’m probably going to take pictures, so be warned!  I think it’s a crying shame for a woman to spend the majority of her young life overweight.  My goal is to see what my body is capable of doing.

Occasionally, I’ll blog about what’s for dinner.  I might come across a recipe that is just too good not to share, so I’ll pass that on to you!

My kids are extremely entertaining.  I’ll be posting about some of the cute and funny (and sometimes naughty) things they do.

We’re starting some pretty big DIY projects around here to help improve the look of our domicile.  If you wanna read my posts about that, they’ll be here too.  I’ll also be taking before and after pics.

So, there you have it!  Stay tuned, Friends!