Hey, Friends! Thanks for stopping by!

First, I would like to just let you know what I will be writing about.

My diet and fitness journey.  I struggle constantly with my weight.  I have good weeks and bad weeks.  Well, I am starting this blog to help keep me accountable to my daily exercise routine and my progress in becoming as fit and healthy as I can.  I’m probably going to take pictures, so be warned!  I think it’s a crying shame for a woman to spend the majority of her young life overweight.  My goal is to see what my body is capable of doing.

Occasionally, I’ll blog about what’s for dinner.  I might come across a recipe that is just too good not to share, so I’ll pass that on to you!

My kids are extremely entertaining.  I’ll be posting about some of the cute and funny (and sometimes naughty) things they do.

We’re starting some pretty big DIY projects around here to help improve the look of our domicile.  If you wanna read my posts about that, they’ll be here too.  I’ll also be taking before and after pics.

So, there you have it!  Stay tuned, Friends!